The Training at the PROJECTA’T Programme

At Joaquín Alberto SA, we have always valued the professional growth and well-being of our team. For this reason, we are proud to announce that we have completed a comprehensive training of the PROYECTA’T programme for all our staff.
This programme, promoted by the Consortium for Lifelong Learning of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya) and Pimec, is an individualised professional guidance service aimed at employed people, and has given us the opportunity to continue growing professionally.
Comprehensive training
The PROYECTA’T programme includes two individual sessions and one group session, designed to provide guidance and prospection that accompanies workers in their process of adapting to changes in the productive sectors and in their own jobs.
This is essential both for those seeking promotion and for those wishing to change sectors or occupations.
From the Consortium, guidance is understood as a basic instrument for the acquisition of tools and resources necessary to make informed decisions about the career path and objectives of each person.
This guidance is adapted to the abilities, interests, aspirations and the vital moment of each individual, allowing the deployment of their talent.
Programme objectives
The main objective of the PROYECTA’T programme in our company has been to promote the professional growth of our employees within the framework of the organisation.
To achieve this, a detailed review was carried out of the functions and tasks that each person carries out in their job. This allowed us to identify and assess the transversal competencies that each employee applies in their day-to-day work, and to become aware of their professional development.
In addition, the group session has been key to fostering teamwork, cohesion and a sense of belonging to the company. We also worked on key skills such as communication, assertiveness, leadership and adaptability, which are fundamental for the personal and professional growth of our team.
Benefits of the programme
The implementation of the PROYECTA’T programme has brought several significant benefits to our organisation:
- Competence self-awareness: Participants have gained a better understanding of their own competences and areas for improvement.
- Development tools: Internal and external tools that promote professional development have been identified and provided.
- Professional growth: The growth of each employee in their job has been promoted.
- Teamwork and cohesion: Teamwork and interpersonal skills have been strengthened.
- Sense of belonging: The feeling of belonging to the company has increased, thus improving the working environment.
The PROYECTA’T training programme has been an enriching and transforming experience for everyone at Joaquín Alberto SA. We will continue to support initiatives that promote the professional and personal development of our team, because we believe that our greatest asset is the people who are part of our company.
We continue to project our future together, stronger and more prepared than ever!
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